Get out and try something new this year! Specifically, a new outdoor playground. You might be surprised at what you find hidden across Collier County, and it’s always fun to visit an old favorite. The newest public park in our area, Baker Park, opened to rave reviews in late 2019. Granted, the playground equipment may be more limited than at some other parks, but with a new splash pad and expansive green areas as well as docks and beautiful views of the Gordon River, it is a great place for your little ones to blow off steam. Or head to the brand new playground at the Naples Zoo.
1. Baker Park
50 Riverside Cr., Naples
2. Cambier Park
755 8th Ave. S., Naples
3. Charlie C. Anthony Park
1500 5th Ave. N., Naples
4. Donna Fiala Eagle Lakes Community Park
11565 Tamiami Tr. E., Naples
5. East Naples Community Park
3500 Thomasson Dr., Naples
6. Fleischmann Park
1600 Fleischmann Blvd., Naples
7. Golden Gate Community Center
4701 Golden Gate Pkwy., Naples
8. Golden Gate Community Park
3300 Santa Barbara Blvd., Naples
9. Gordon River Greenway
1590 Goodlette-Frank Rd., Naples
10. Immokalee Airport Park
330 Airways Rd., Immokalee
11. Immokalee South Park
418 School Dr., Immokalee
12. Lowdermilk Park
1301 Gulfshore Blvd. N., Naples
13. Max Hasse Jr. Community Park
3390 Golden Gate Blvd. W., Naples
14. Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens
1590 Goodlette-Frank Rd., Naples
15. North Collier Regional Park
15000 Livingston Rd. N., Naples
16. Pelican Bay Community Park
764 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Naples
17. Sea Gate Park
5115 West Blvd., Naples
18. Sugden Regional Park
4284 Avalon Dr., Naples
19. Veterans Community Park
1895 Veterans Park Dr., Naples
20. Vineyards Community Park
6231 Arbor Blvd. W., Naples