Beyond Golf Balls and Coffee Mugs:
105 Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Dad is an original. So why does he always get the same old gifts for Father’s Day? Maybe it’s time to think outside the gift box and come up with some original Father’s Day presents. Here are 105 ideas to help you brainstorm a unique gift, or gift combination, perfect for the man of your house. This list of suggestions is organized by Dad types, because, after all, most dads have specific passions and attitudes that make them who they are.
Athletic Dad
□ Running store gift card □ Sporty headphones □ Cushioned ankle socks □ Smart phone armband □ Polarized sunglasses
Urban Dad
□ Vinyl record frames □ Gift certificate for Urban Outfitters □ Giant glass jar for ticket stubs □ Bike bags and helmet mirrors □ Public radio membership
Yard Conqueror Dad
□ Weed whacker □ Heavy-duty work gloves □ Hand mallet □ Large insulated drink cup □ Electronic fly swatter
Writer Dad
□ Stack of yellow legal pads □ Fancy pen or assortment of pens □ Hip laptop bag □ Subscription to a writing magazine □ Registration at a writing seminar
Road Warrior Dad
□ Carry-on rolling bag 20 □ Electronics accessory charging dock □ Bureau-top valet □ Leather toiletries kit □ Custom luggage tags
Voracious Reader Dad
□ E-Reader □ E-Reader cover □ Bookseller gift card □ Original edition of favorite childhood book □ Set of bookplates
Film Buff Dad
□ Popcorn maker or microwave popcorn assortment □ Favorite movie theater drink assortment □ Superman Motion Picture Anthology, 1978-2006 □ Pre-purchased movie tickets □ Entertainment magazine subscription
Youthful Dad
□ Favorite comic book collection □ Assortment of plastic moustaches □ Tickets to a summer action movie □ Deluxe magic trick kit □ DVD of favorite humorous movie or TV show
Outdoorsy Dad
□ Pocket multi-tool □ LED Solar Lightcap for water bottle □ Crank radio □ Survival skills book □ Combo compass-watch
Sports Fan Dad
□ Vintage look favorite team t-shirt □ Portable snack/drink cooler □ Tickets to a game □ Bleacher seat cushion □ License plate holder with name of favorite team
Guy’s Guy Dad
□ Steak house gift card □ Six pack of WD-40 □ Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson, or John Wayne DVDs □ Hot sauce assortment □ Beer-making kit
Handy Man Dad
□ Electric screwdriver □ Tool caddy/organizer □ Nail sorter drawers □ Folding stepladder □ Binder with page protectors for instruction manuals and warranties
Digital Dad
□ E-Tablet □ Music, books, or apps gift card □ Smart phone portable keyboard □ Gadget sleeves or cases □ Sound-canceling headphones
Top Chef Dad
□ Wooden carving board □ Knife set □ High-powered mixer □ Cooking store gift card □ BBQ cookbooks
Caffeinated Dad
□ Single-cup coffee maker □ Coffee shop gift card □ Flavored coffee syrups □ Snazzy travel mug □ Instant coffee selection
Coachy Dad
□ Baseball cap with favorite team name □ Custom whistle lanyard □ Set of large net bags □ Stack of small orange cones □ Portable whiteboard with markers
Cultured Dad
□ Theater tickets □ Biography of favorite artist □ Tickets to a gallery exhibit □ Fine arts class registration □ Desktop kinetic sculpture
Tinkerer Dad
□ Hobby models □ Model display case □ Build your own radio kit □ Basic hobby tool set □ Cutting mat with knives
Homebody Dad
□ Gift card to his favorite pizza delivery service □ Comfortable pajama bottoms □ Slippers □ Robe □ Remote caddy
Global Dad
□ National Geographic DVD set □ Scratch-Off Global Map □ GPS system □ Travel guidebooks □ Gift card for fair-trade items
Hippie Dad
□ Frisbee □ Save the [something] t-shirt □ Skateboard □ Gift certificate to vegetarian restaurant □ Set of foot bags