It’s high school graduation season! Whether they are headed to college or just leaving the nest, here is our top 10 list of the best gifts for grads.
🍕🚙 Uber/Uber Eats gift cards. Great for students who don’t have a car on campus or for meal delivery after the dining hall closes.
💰 Check for $20.24. Also, can do a cash gift of this amount, or if you are feeling a bit more generous, give two twenties and the year number in dollar bills ($20 + $20 + $4), $202.40, or even $2024 (we’re looking at you, grandparents!) Whatever you choose, most graduates will appreciate straight up cash of any amount.
🛏 Gift card for dorm and apartment essentials. (Amazon, Target, Walmart, Ikea) Feathering the new nest, whether it’s a dorm or new apartment, is a fun part of becoming a new adult. Students who will be heading straight to work or local training programs will still appreciate some help making their living space a little more grown up.
🤒 Mini medical kit. When you’re not feeling well away from home, a medical supply kit can be just what the doctor ordered. Include bandages, a thermometer, a reusable ice pack, Emergen-C packets, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, gauze squares, antibiotic ointment, tweezers, and small scissors. You may also want to add a small bottle of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, Benadryl, DayQuil/NightQuil, and Tums for those first experiences of a cold or flu away from Dr. Mom (check with parent for contraindications).
🥤Reusable water bottles or tumblers with their new school logo. Most larger schools have spirit wear and accessories on Amazon, and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Items from smaller colleges can be ordered through the campus bookstore.
💳 Gift card to the campus bookstore. Not sure what they will need? A gift card can be used for textbooks, college-branded hoodies, school supplies, and snacks.
⛽️⚠️ Gas card and roadside kit. For students who will be driving back and forth to school or work, a gas card and an auto safety kit can help keep them safe.
🔅LCD lights. Every dorm room and apartment feels cozier with some twinkle or LCD lights.
🛠 Tool kit. With a hammer and some screwdrivers, they can become the most popular resident on the hall as everyone has multiple things to assemble once they move in.
🛄 Ikea Frakta bags. Available on Amazon or at Ikea, these durable yet lightweight blue bags are the workhorse of college moves. They hold a ton of clothes, towels, bedding, and shoes, and can even be worn as a backpack. They are also great for taking laundry to and from the laundromat. (picture below of my daughter’s Ikea bags below full of dirty clothes at the end of the semester).
📚 Books: Click here for six books every graduate should read.
Bonus pro-tip for parents: Invest in one of these wagons at Costco or Amazon for hauling belongings from the parking lot to the new living space. It’s a great way to make new friends as everyone will want to borrow it.