SWFL has exciting choices this autumn season, from spine-tingling spookiness to heartwarming family activities. Explore the diverse range of family fun at any of these festivals, pumpkin patches, trunk or treats, haunted houses and Halloween events in Naples our popular annual Fall Family Fun Guide.
Details are subject to change so check the event’s website for the latest information.
Check website for times
14th Annual Lakes Park Pumpkin Patch
Tons of Pumpkins, Incredible Inflatables, Halloween Express Train Ride, Games, Hayrides, Scarecrow Contest Displays, and more.
- DATES: OCT. 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28 & 29
- LOCATION: Lakes Regional Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers.
- INFO: 239-332-2453 or leegov.com/parks/parks/lakespark
Boo at the Zoo
All kids 12 and under in costume receive FREE admission!
- DATES: Oct 13-16
- LOCATION: Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens, 1590 Goodlette Frank Rd. N , Naples.
- INFO: 239-262-5409 or napleszoo.org/boo
Cape Coral Oktoberfest
With German music and local bands, German food, and beer, there’s plenty of fun to go around, for any age. Carnival area for kids.
- DATES: Oct 20, 21, 22, 27 & 28
- LOCATION: German American Social Club, 2101 SW Pine Island Rd., Cape Coral.
- INFO: 239-252-4000 or capecoraloktoberfest.com
Farmer Mike’s 9th Annual Fall Festival & Corn Mazes
Farmer Mike has three different corn mazes, hayrides and pumpkin patch.
- DATES: Sept. 29-Nov. 5
- LOCATION: Farmer Mikes U Pick, 26031 Morton Ave, Bonita Springs.
- INFO: 239-498-4576 or farmermikesupick.com
Halloween Nights in the Gardens
Photo ops, family games & activities, special animal enrichment, fun decorations & MORE!
- DATES: October 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 26, & 28
- LOCATION: The Wonder Gardens, 27180 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs.
- INFO: 239-992-2591 or wondergardens.org
Halloween Spooktacular CMON
Come in costume and join us for not-so-spooky Halloween games, activities, and trick-or-treating for the whole family.
- DATES: October 27 & 28.
- LOCATION: Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples (CMON), 15080 Livingston Road, Naples.
- INFO: cmon.org
Haunted Walk
When darkness falls, your only mission is to survive.
- DATES: Every weekend starting Oct. 6
- LOCATION: Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium, 3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers.
- INFO: 239-275-3435 or calusanature.org/haunted-walk-dead-by-dawn
Pumpkin Patch Festival
Lots of vendors, food, tractor rides and more.
- DATES: Oct 14,15, 21, 22, 28 & 29
- LOCATION: 31 Produce, 18672 State Road, Alva, FL
- INFO: 31produce.com
Southern Fresh Farms Fall Festival
Vendors, hay rides, animals, food and so much more!
- DATES: Sept 30 & Oct 1; Oct 7 & 8; Oct 14 & 15; Oct 21 & 22; Oct 28 & 29.
- LOCATION: Southern Fresh Farm, 8500 Penzance Blvd, Fort Myers.
- INFO: 239-768-0309 or facebook.com/Southernfreshfarms.
Tweens Make A Haunted House Kit
It’s That Spooky Time Of the Year. Make a Haunted House Cookie Kit!
- TIME: 4 pm
- LOCATION: Naples Regional Branch Library, 650 Central Ave., Naples.
- INFO: 239-252-5135 or collierlibrary.evanced.info
Fall Festival at Mercola Market
Vendors, food trucks, bounce houses, games & more! Children’s costume contest (for children 12 and under) and Pet Costume Contest.
- TIME: 10:00 am-3:00 pm
- LOCATION: Mercola Market of Cape Coral, 125 SW 3rd Pl, Cape Coral.
- INFO: mercolamarketcc.com
Evening on Fifth
Come enjoy live music, shopping, dining and dancing along Naples’ Main Street. This free event features an array of live musical performances up and down the sidewalks along Fifth Avenue South.
- TIME: 5:00-8:00 pm
- LOCATION: Downtown Naples, Fifth Avenue South, Naples.
- INFO: 239-692-8436 or FifthAvenueSouth.com
Fall Fun at the Library
Trees, leaves, and pumpkins oh my! Have a ball this Fall with autumn-themed activities and crafts around the children’s room.
- TIME: 11:00 am-12:00 pm
- LOCATION: Bonita Springs Public Library, 10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs.
- INFO: leelibrary.librarymarket.com
Ghouls in the Pool
Collier County Parks and Recreation will host Ghouls of the Pool Halloween Event! There will be Halloween-themed games, music, food vendors are available and most importantly, candy!
- LOCATION: Eagle Lakes Community Park, 11565 Tamiami Trl. E., Naples.
- INFO: 239-252-3527 or fb.me/e/6UGL9gCVj
Halloween Howl
Fun-filled night of tricks and treats Games, activities, dancing and a costume contest awaits
- TIME: 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
- LOCATION: East Naples Community Park, 3500 Thomasson Dr., Naples.
- INFO: anc.apm.activecommunities.com
Naples Concert Band Concert
Fiesta del Paraíso (Latin) with guest artists Maritza Cedeño, vocalist, and FloDivinas Dance, dancers.
- TIME: 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
- LOCATION: Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave. S., Naples.
- INFO: fifthavenuesouth.com
Haunted Hoedown
Includes a dance party, face painters, stilt walker, trick-or-treating around Mercato & more!
- TIME: 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
- LOCATION: Mercato, 9132 Strada Place, Naples.
- INFO: experiencemercato.com
Preschool Costume Ball
Get ready for an afternoon of dancing, moving, and grooving, in your best costumes to our favorite preschool tunes. For ages 2 – 5 years, and their caregivers.
- TIME: 11:00 am-12:00 pm
- LOCATION: Bonita Springs Public Library, 10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs.
- INFO: leelibrary.librarymarket.com
Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park Trunk or Treat
The annual Trunk or Treat with music, candy, crafts, and a costume contest with prizes!
- TIME: 6:00-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park, 810 39th Ave NE, Naples.
- INFO: 239-252-4000 or fb.me/e/1yIcJvePh
Fall Festival-North Fort Myers Park
Family friendly event to celebrate all things fall! There will be a DJ, photo opportunities, games, and a costume contest – come dressed to impress!
- TIME: 6:00-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: North Fort Myers Park Recreation Center, 2000 North Recreation Park Way, North Fort Myers.
- INFO: 239-553-7200 or leegov.com
Wicked Walk
The fifth annual Wicked Walk celebrates art and music in Lee County schools and the achievements of student artists – with a spooky twist.
- TIME: 6:00-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, 2301 First St., Fort Myers.
- INFO: Fb.me/e/1fPNWZiKx
Halloween in the Park
The City of Bonita Springs is hosting our Halloween in the Park event again this year.
- TIME: 5:30-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: Riverside Park, 10450 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs.
- INFO: fb.me/e/4BnklpMdl
Pioneer Pumpkin Palooza
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How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch! Come join us and choose your favorite orange squash among many to paint and keep!
- TIME: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
- LOCATION: Immokalee Pioneer Museum at Roberts Ranch, 1215 Roberts Ave W, Immokalee.
- INFO: colliermuseums.com
Spooky Fun Halloween Science Cruise
Get Halloween started on the water with Pure Florida and Mr. Glen with Super Science & Amazing Art.
- TIME: 10:00 am-12:30 pm
- LOCATION: Pure Florida, 1200 5th Ave S, Naples.
- INFO: 239-263-4949 or purefl.com
Trunk and Treat at First Baptist Church Naples
Join us for a FREE night of fun with our Naples community. Bring your family, invite a friend, fill your bags with candy, play games, and wear your favorite (non-scary) costume!
- TIME: 6:30-8:00 pm
- LOCATION: First Baptist Church Naples, 3000 Orange Blossom Dr, Naples.
- INFO: 239-597-6057 or fb.me/e/tCVAhvjw0
“Haunted Tales” Performed by Dr. Joel Ying
Join us for a mix of true stories and spooky folk tales, fun for all ages. Dr. Joel Ying is a part-time physician and professional storyteller that teaches oral storytelling at FGCU.
- TIME: 3:30-4:30 pm
- LOCATION: Golden Gate Branch Library, 2432 Lucerne Road, Naples.
- INFO: (239) 252-4542 or collierlibrary.evanced.info
Avow Kids Avow-loween Trunk or Treat
Swing by Avow’s campus for treats, no tricks! Kids will pick up an individually packaged bag of candy after parading past Halloween-decorated trunks.
- TIME: 5:00-7:00 pm
- LOCATION: Avow, 1095 Whippoorwill Ln., Naples.
- INFO: (239) 261-4404 or fb.me/e/3Ig79zbAu
Boo Bash Parents Night Out
Includes pizza, costume contest, DIY cupcakes, crafts, play & MORE! Ages 5+.
- TIME: 5:00-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: Inplay! Family Fun, 4035 Santa Barbara Blvd Unit 101, Naples.
- INFO: 239-963-9716 or fb.me/e/H1NirzNt
Bootacular Halloween Celebration
Bootacular Halloween Celebration is a mini-carnival specially designed for children ages 5 & under.
- TIME: 6:00-7:30 pm
- LOCATION: YMCA of Collier County (North Campus), 5450 YMCA Road, Naples.
- INFO: 239-294-9622 or fb.me/e/Xq8cL8DA
Halloween Monster Bash
Halloween Bash set for all family members to have a fun night of dancing, music, games and treats
- TIME: 6:00 pm
- LOCATION: Golden Gate Community Center, 4701 Golden Gate Pkwy., Naples.
- INFO: 239-252-4180 or collier_park/golden-gate-community-center
Naples North Collier Regional Park Boo-tacular Halloween
Collier County Parks and Recreation invite you to the North Collier Regional Park Soccer Complex for their BOO-Tacular Halloween!
- TIME: 6:00-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: North Collier Regional Park Soccer Complex, 15000 Livingston Road, Naples.
- INFO: 239-252-4000 or fb.me/e/1jUBrNuE1com
Trunk or Treat at the Florida Sports Park
Trunk or Treat! FREE, FUN, Family Friendly Event at the Florida Sports Park.
- TIME: 6:00-9:00 pm
- LOCATION: The Florida Sports Park, 8520 Rattlesnake Hammock Rd., Naples.
- INFO: 239-774-2701 or fb.me/e/3c16zBfu9
Trunk or Treat NABOR
Dress up and collect candy at the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® Trunk or Treat. This is a FREE event for the entire community.
- TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm
- LOCATION: Naples Area Board of REALTORS, 1455 Pine Ridge Rd, Naples.
- INFO: 239-597-1666 or fb.me/e/3QgxL44o3
Trunk or Treat & Halloween Movie
The 2nd Annual Trunk-or-Treat will include candy giveaways (while supplies last), music, and skele-fun for all ages. Costumes are encouraged!
- TIME: 6:00 pm
- LOCATION: Cape Coral City Hall, 1015 Cultural Park Blvd, Cape Coral.
- INFO: 239-573-3128 or capecoral.gov
2nd Annual Marco Island 5K & Fall Festival
Ready, Set, Go! A day filled with fun and excitement at the Marco Island 5K & Fall Festival.
- TIME: 8:00 am-2:00 pm
- LOCATION: YMCA of Collier County (South Campus – Marco), 101 Sand Hill Street, Marco Island.
- INFO: 239-394-9622 or ymcacollier.org
5th Avenue Halloween Spooktacular
Fun events for families and children, including live music, street dancing, costume contest, games, and more.
- TIME: 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
- LOCATION: Cambier Park and Park St., Naples.
- INFO: fifthavenuesouth.com
Annual Trunk-or-Treat at Ave Maria Town Center
Join us and event sponsor, Oil Well Craft Beer, for the 8th annual event.
- TIME: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
- LOCATION: Ave Maria Town Center, 5076 Annunciation Circle, Ave Maria, FL, 34142, Immokalee.
- INFO: 239-352-3903 or avemaria.com
Annual Halloween Trick or Treat Spooktacular-Bell Tower Shops
Annual Halloween Trick or Treat Spooktacular
- TIME: 12:00 pm-3:00 pm
- LOCATION: Bell Tower Shops, Daniels Parkway & US 41, Fort Myers.
- INFO: 239-489-1221 or fb.me/e/1zyDl29cB
Fall Festival
This family-friendly event will include an autumn market with 30 local craft vendors and artists, plus several fun activities for children.
- TIME: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
- LOCATION: Edison and Ford Winter Estates, 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers.
- INFO: edisonfordwinterestates.org
GTLC’s Annual Trunk or Treat
Games! Candy! Hay rides! Candy! Costumes! Candy! Prizes! Candy!
GTLC’s Annual Trunk or Treat is back again, scaring up a howling good time for all the boos and ghouls.
- TIME: 6:00 pm
- LOCATION: Gateway Trinity Lutheran Church, 11381 Gateway Blvd, Fort Myers.
- INFO: fb.me/e/1tCc2QsTA
Halloween Spooktacular
Bring your little ghouls and goblins to the South Regional Library for Halloween crafts! Don’t forget to dress in costume!
- TIME: 2:00-3:00 pm
- LOCATION: South Regional Branch Library, 8065 Lely Cultural Pkwy, Naples.
- INFO: 239-252-7542 or collierlibrary.evanced.info
Marco Island Halloween Spooktacular
The City of Marco Island Parks and Recreation will hold their annual Halloween Spooktacular event at Mackle Park! There will be music, games, treats for the kids and a costume contest!
- TIME: 4:00-6:00 pm
- LOCATION: Mackle Park, 1361 Andalusia Terrace, Marco Island.
- INFO: 239-642-0575 or fb.me/e/41LwqN9cD
Mosaic Kids Trick-or-Treat Halloween Party
The second annual sensory-friendly Halloween party. Trick-or-Treating, Halloween activities, open play and more. Costumes are fun, but not necessary. Come comfortable and ready to play!
- TIME: 9:30 am-2:00 pm
- LOCATION: Mosaic Kids, 14700 Tamiami Tr N Ste 1, Naples.
- INFO: 239-249-5292 or mosaic-kids.com
Spooktacular Night at Estero Park
A spooky night under the stars! Trunk-or-Treat, food trucks and Movie in the Park featuring Disney’s “Halloweentown”.
- TIME: 5:00-7:00 pm
- LOCATION: Estero Recreation Center, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd.
- INFO: 239-533-1470 or leegov.com/parks/centers/estero
Spooky Sweets Trunk or Treat
Pumpkins, live music, family fun.
- TIME: 5:00-7:00 pm
- LOCATION: Shoppes at Vanderbilt, 2355 Vanderbilt Road, Naples.
- INFO: 239-594-5000 or shopvanderbilt.com
Tamiami Ford Trunk of Treats
Adult and Kids Costume Contest – Show off your most creative, spooky, or hilarious costumes for a chance to win amazing prizes!
- TIME: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
- LOCATION: Tamiami Ford, 1471 Airport-Pulling Rd. N, Naples.
- INFO: fb.me/e/3VgSdDhZM
Trick or Treat & Costume Contest-Gulf Coast Town Center
Join Gulf Coast Town Center for the annual Trick or Treat and Costume Contest.
- TIME: 5:00-8:00 pm
- LOCATION: Gulf Coast Town Center, 9903 Gulf Coast Main Street, Fort Myers.
- INFO: fb.me/e/39N0tMOv7
Trunk or Treat & Haunted House
Join us for a spooky Halloween! Special appearances by The City of Naples Police Department and Naples Fire-Rescue Department food trucks, music and more.
- TIME: 5:30-7:30 pm
- LOCATION: Fleischmann Park, 1600 Fleischmann Blvd., Naples.
- INFO: facebook.com/CityofNaplesFireRescue
Walk the Talk: Paws & Pumpkins a Halloween Howl
Over 500,000 individuals in Florida struggle with epilepsy, making it the state with the most instances in our country.
- TIME: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
- LOCATION: Baker Park, 50 Riverside Cir, Naples
- INFO: naplesgov.com
BOOth or Treat
Bring the family in costumes to our first “BOOth or Treat” Receive a Free Halloween Trick or Treat bagCollect treats through 15 indoor booths decorated in kid-friendly Halloween decor.
- TIME: 4:00-6:30 pm
- LOCATION: Be Our Guest Party Room, 12901 McGregor Blvd #10, Fort Myers.
- INFO: fb.me/e/6EEERFc4H
Hogwarts Halloween: Family Concert
Join us for an enchanting afternoon of music and magic as we bring the spellbinding world of Hogwarts to life in a not-so-spooky Halloween concert that’s perfect for the whole family!
- TIME: 2:00 pm
- LOCATION: Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Center, 13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers.
- INFO: bbmannpah.com